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GAME OVERChanging the Internet! TranslatedPages | PagesEngl GAME OVER Changing the Internet! Auber by Olivier, Olivier Zablocki (Ψ.observers) If we user base of Internet governance of the network looks like collusion between players technical, commercial and political [1] is that contrary to commonly accepted opinion that the Internet would be a body acentric operate on a distributed, on the contrary it is perfectly centralized [2]. The network is organized hierarchically in terms of its standards and its infrastructure. At the top of the pyramid there are 13 major registers addresses so-called "root DNS" who do just a single entity in the heart of which lies the root file IANA addressing that condition topology network [3]. 1 Map of Internet governance established by AFNIC (French Association for Internet naming cooperation) ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) ensures the integrity of the building on behalf of the general interest and users supposed to be at the center of everything. In fact, these users are never really part of the discussions. Major industry groups and States (other than the U.S.) are acting as if they had a voice, but it is an illusion! By simplifying just, globally, the U.S. Department of Defense and Commerce have his finger on the button ON / OFF network, via bodies they control more or less directly and various avatars commercial, which like Google goes rounded up all the global data at the same time that a growing brain drain, capital and advertising revenue. If so, not because of any conspiracy. This is the consequence of the historical architecture of the Internet since its creation has drawn a world where Europe and the world had already lost. The U.S. central bodies have always taken the logical decisions need to strengthen their dominant position and all intermediate structures have never done anything else but fighting the crumbs (local markets). Thirty years after its inception, the "network of networks" has produced unprecedented concentrations capital, crystallized in infrastructure (DNS servers and backbones), standards (exchange protocols, etc..) Code (software) and Finally in a dominant language (English). The monopoly is the dream of capitalism, to a certain extent. Today, the big bad wolf, seeing that he devoured all the lambs, is beginning to realize they will soon be nothing left to put the tooth. Especially small local predators are they will meet soon without prey. If nothing changes, capitalism will be shot in the foot: GAME OVER. In this context of absolute domination, what chance has any linguistic and cultural prevail? In our view none, if there is content to play following the rules of the game today. International agencies which such claims are inherently divided, in conflict legitimacy endless. They use as a last resort to states whose democratic procedures are disparate, questionable and archaic in terms of Internet uses. After 11 September 2001, states have become the principal architects of the "totally safe" causing himself mistrust and terrorism as their security claims to be fighting ... The lean sovereignty they are trying to get on linguistic, geographical and cultural network is not ordinary users that we are like a plank of salvation. Quite the contrary, we live it as a supplementary lock reproducing on a smaller scale than that at work on a global scale. The case of China is the symbol of this trend, but European countries are not left (P2P penalized, broader monitoring network via local DNS servers, etc.).. They do not like barriers to control and uniformity of minds. Worse, they act as defenders of lobbyists and representatives of trade "broadband Internet". But we do not want the Internet is delivering citizens tied to large groups! In short, both linguistically and culturally, we are on the verge of complete dereliction. GAME OVER. Let us be clear: it is not here to the trials of those involved in the organizations cited above, or even to question their commitment and sincerity. We note simply that they collectively produce at great cost and a world in which each of them, individually, do not even want to live. All are ultimately victims of a systemic problem at the root of which is we believe the current architecture of the Internet inherited an old and outdated conception of cybernetics [5]. So where is the exit? Well perhaps in the exploration of a new network architecture. It is said that all the current protocol running the Internet from 25 years to arrive at saturation 2011 and that the transition to version 6 (IPv6) will take place before, ie immediately [6]. Many don 't see that a quantum leap, that the new addresses available in abundance (2 Power 128, or about 2.56 × 10 power 38) can be used to identify, monitor and connect anything ( who), which may be the source of new profits, so far, nothing new on the merits. But there are IPv6 in the beginning of a qualitative change which we believe is of decisive importance: the concept of addressing group known as the "IP Multicast" defined by Steve Deering [7] 1985. In the Internet as we know it is impossible to convene a "group" - the term designating a meeting synchronous or asynchronous conversation with more than two people, which could mean millions - without resorting to a machine Particular performing switching between individuals. This machine will depend upon a third party outside the group (eg Facebook), meaning that there is always "someone" when it is believed to be in a simple conversation with others in space public. It must be said and saying so far there is no real public space on the Internet! In the context of commercial and safe locking system which we are witnessing, this means more and more like a "ban on meeting the public" because the public is not in all cases to automatic monitoring of private meetings . The "group addresses" provided in the next version of the Internet are potentially skip this lock. They are not attached to a particular machine. To date, they are not owned by anyone, and can be selected and used by anyone. As defined by Steve Deering, the Protocol Multicast is symmetrical, meaning it is theoretically possible for all to receive and emit a stream of any kind under a group number. Of course, this requires special software [8] able to format and interpret the data. Therefore, it is possible with Multicast to cost-effectively and independently of others, many things have already done with the current Internet (known as Unicast), but it is especially possible to design a new class distributed, collaborative applications that could make obsolete very quickly as Web 2.0. There is therefore IPv6 germ in a whole new culture of the network, even a paradigm shift that could reset the counter, at least reshuffle the cards between the United States and the rest of the world. IPv6 can help create a genuine public space on the Internet, provided that the idea be defended. 2 Map of the Internet Address Space, Land Project (Los Angeles Network Data Exchange and Repository) - [[http://www.isi.edu/ant/address/browse/index.html (full screen) This change, as we analyze the transition from a network operating according to a form of "time horizon" as admitting leakage points servers providing switching groups, to another where there is a "Digital Perspective" [9 ] Regulated by "codes of flight" as the IP addresses of the group. This extremely profound transformation could lead the current "economy of attention" to mutate into an "economic link" involving all other social relations. It led to the passage of comprehensive renewal forms of legitimate governing structures for the network. In a spirit closer to the "second cybernetics" [10], these agencies must s'inclure themselves in the system which the president and thus become acentrées like him. Obviously, there are many barriers and obstacles to get there. If at first glance, the interests of lobbyists seem to go against the establishment of an Internet symmetrical to the same user (which theoretically leads to the complete equivalence between the "pipe" d "a major television channel and that of man in the world), we are confident that after reflection, the powers in question are able to understand that letting go is a guarantee of survival for themselves and the world economy . But they understand, and that telecommunications operators actually let go Multicast packets, it will probably have to say and repeat it several times. The United States will not move until they derive more profit from the status quo change. China is advanced in the transition to IPv6, but only to dispose of addresses that it lacked and to strengthen its control. It is probably in European states, and especially in France which is in a situation of political failure, economic and industrial absolute in the world of the Internet that may present the need and the possibility of real change. We believe that this change can be achieved only by the strength of players who struggle within the institutions of the Internet version-Former Regime or direct confrontation with them, even though they benefit from political legitimacy delegated by local authorities. Institutional resistance can be fruitful only if it can lean in implementing mass by users themselves in a logical and factually "bottom-up" of all the solutions used today and going in the direction we have said, namely that of an Internet "symmetrical", user-focused, and achieving a genuine public space. They are more numerous than one might think: first, because all of the old system of Internet governance will naturally crack under the weight of the increasing number of network users and, secondly, because, in addition to these cracks, a crowd of local niches can now be otherwise occupied. We conclude the need to put in place without further delay a massive enabling both observation and identification of niches available and defense policy and legal all those who decide to invest. A radically new organization was called "Ψ.observer" from the Greek letter "psi" which is simply an acronym for Sustainable Personal Internet (PSI), Internet Personnel and Durable. His object was placed so that it can enable a person to claim freely, without authorization or prior declaration, a position of observer and active support from the community who act itself by taking the maximum advantage of the power of organizations peer / peer to peer (P2P) action today as the model for the future, shown through many examples including widely documented by the P2P Foundation [11]. The first act of this new organization is this apparent GAME OVER which will be discussed on 28 June 2008 at a roundtable virtual (video) between the Ortolo Valley in Southern Corsica and the OpenCamp? to be held at the top of the Arch of Defense to close the Week of the Internet World in Paris. A multilingual version of this manifesto will be formally handed to participants at the 61st Annual Conference of NGOs organized by UNESCO in September 2008 held on the theme of the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December 1948 -- December 2008). [1] ICANN, IANA, IETF, W3C, ISOC, IGF, WSIS, UNESCO, WSIS, UN, ITU, etc.. See Map of the Internet Governance established by AFNIC http://www.afnic.fr/data/divers/public/afnic-dossier-gouvernance-internet-06-2008.pdf [2] Medusa: the hierarchical structure of the Internet. This display of the Internet gives an idea of centralizing the Internet, but underestimate because it considers only the flow and not address the records that form a single entity. http://www.adminet.ca/Cawailleurs/archives/427/medusa-la-structure-hierarchique-de-linternet (3] RFC 2826: IAB Technical Comment on the Unique DNS Root Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2826 IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) http://www.iana.org/ [4] We saw recently how NetworkSolutions, for good or bad reasons, has come to exercise direct censorship on the film anti-Islamist Geert Wilders: http://www.fitnathemovie.com/ penalty and then obviously lost that it is available everywhere. [5] This design is the "First cybernetics" built from 1942 by Arturo Rosenblueth, John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener, and many others, focusing on interactions between government systems "(or control systems ) And "systems governed" (or operational systems), governed by processes of feedback or feed-back .. [6] France Nerim Free, and OVH recently to offer their subscribers to switch to IPv6, but it is unclear at this point is that the possibility of Multicast symmetrical mentioned in this article is actually if possible and Multicast packets are actually routed beyond the backbone of these operators. For those who know: in the case of Free, is the transition of IPv4 & 6 Remi depression that is implemented. To see what are the limits? [7] RFC 966 - Host groups: A multicast extension to the Internet Protocol S. E. Deering, D. R. Cheriton, Stanford University, December 1985. http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc966.html In IPv4, the possibility of using addresses group was a wart (extension) has been used by operators to optimize bandwidth on their network (backbone). This also helped to bring television on the Internet and propose receiving hundreds of channels to subscribers of ADSL. With Multicast, flows occur only one time since the sources and are routed to the recipient unless it so requests. It is therefore a protocol of great economy, so that now people in Hollywood see the future of television. It is a very narrow commercial services that can make Multicast. The Once and Future King: Multicast looks to (finally) be the future of television. " http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/2007/pulpit_20071221_003697.html [8] It turns out that these programs exist, at least at the prototype stage and that many have been developed in the late'90s to INRIA and the ENST Paris. http://www.infres.enst.fr/ ~ dax / guides / multicast / mdownload.html In 94, Olivier Auber had the chance to drive the development of one of the first software Multicast ( "gp" at the bottom of the list) that unicast version is this: http://perspective-numerique.net/wakka.php?wiki=GenerateurPoietique [9] These theoretical expected on the paradigm shift which is roughly the transition to IPv6 contained in a study published in late 2007 by the Center for Digital Territories (OTEN), in which one of us has contributed (Olivier Auber) http://anoptique.org/PDF (Part "theoretical" on page 11 to page 37). This text is also available on the wiki at: http://perspective-numerique.net [10] Second cybernetics developed from 1953 by Heinz von Foerster, then by Ilya Prigogine, Humberto Maturana, Francisco Varela, and so on. [11] The Foundation for P2P Alternatives: http://www.p2pfoundation.net
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