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What "Digital Perspective"? It is a conjecture: we would be the actors of a major invention, similar to the "spatial perspective", which marked the transition from hierarchical Middle Ages that, geometrization, Renaissance, similar to the "time horizon" born two centuries ago with the invention of the telegraph, which currently dominates (the "leakage points" are the television transmitters, search engines and web sites that we know). The digital perspective is based not on points of leakage as the previous two perspectives, but on codes of leakage, digital nature, biological, genetic, even quantum capable of organizing acentrée forms switching, synchronous or asynchronous , Within the human community. This prospect would have to take precedence over the previous one. It suggests changes at all levels, comparable (or incomparable?) To those that marked the transition from the hierarchical world of the Middle Ages to the Renaissance geometrization. The research group PERSPECTIVE-NUMERIQUE.NET aims to explore and build views on the concept of digital perspective and to discuss ways to contribute and open. Who are the founders of the research group? * OlivierAuber (independent researcher and entrepreneur, founder of AH and Cultural Laboratory of ANOPTIQUE) * Anne Cauquelin (Philosopher, Professor Emeritus, University of Paris I) * Anolga Rodionoff (Professor of Information Sciences, University of Paris VIII) * Yann Le Guennec (artist and professor at the School of Design Nantes, founder of ANOPTIQUE) PERSPECTIVE-NUMERIQUE.NET includes * This wiki open to contributions, to be published and comments texts. * A discussion list on which people wishing to work these issues are welcome (registration moderate discussion immoderate) Contact olive. Auber (AT) km2 (DOT) net
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