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INTERNET, a common good

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This small ticket, published in Liberation ((Topic Bounces March 9 2007), was written in stages, taking into account comments and discussions below. And it's not finished. To add your comments, simply edit the talk page associated with this article. See also echoed blogs The rush on the Web presidential candidates hides a major issue on which none is apparent: NTERNET, a common good What political project for the network? by Olivier Auber, researcher and entrepreneur of the Internet. (article written on the wiki Overcrowded (1) with the assistance of some of its contributors) Sasha * Sasha to Drawing Godé-Walter (7 years) After Google, it is the turn of MySpace and other SecondLife, to invade Europe. The most profitable Web 2.0 is invested, with no real competition, by groups, mostly in North America. And this is not a sign of anti as saying. Although the network is deemed uniform and distributed, the phenomenon is central to the extreme; all the land in machines located in Palo Alto or elsewhere. This centralization technique is consistent with the financial concentration own informational capitalism, which considers common knowledge as sources of profit. Today, Yahoo same sentence facing Google and its 155 billion market capitalization. Therefore, if the monopoly in global economy of the Internet has already lost. R # # We will be digested, unless we decide to suddenly change the rules, technical, legal and political. # # R Go to the Internet "acentric". Many centralized services can be made both on a acentric, independently of any server, and therefore no website. Examples? Maay (2), a P2P search engine developed by researchers at France Telecom, conduct research, albeit less massive than Google, but more "social", without any center. VReng (3), designed by researchers from ENST, works as SecondLife, but no server. IPv6, the future of the Internet, kept under the elbow for years by telecom operators could achieve ten to the power that P2P has foreshadowed, ie the exchange between all symmetrical Internet, without depending on others. The International Foundation for Alternative P2P (4) and the French initiative IPv6PourTous (5) have shown that carriers need only push a button to make this possible. Otherwise send through monopolistic Web 2.0 radius souvenirs. Financing the authors of free software. What are proprietary software, FOSS do better. Some candidates for the Elysee, the state would convert them en masse. But what about finance? By supporting research and services companies in free software? Without doubt. But we must not forget other key players. OSS most creative are often the work of developers of all backgrounds, working, not according to the criteria of competitiveness required by the Innovation Agency, but in a spirit of cooperation. Clearing customs they show the way forward. In France, Parliament has virtually declared outlaws the authors of P2P software. Overseas Atlantic, by contrast, manufacturers based on their ideas and aspirations of people the brightest. To break this spiral of depression, we must support, regardless of monopolies, services and research. It must also finance the perpetrators free to adequately, such as we have proposed on the way of self-determination projects and credits by the authors themselves. Develop common property. The intangibles of the recovery would be much better if they were given the status of the common good (6) freely usable. A simple calculation: the IGN (National Geographical Institute) is 50% funded by the state and finds the remainder of its resources by selling its maps. Who? Mainly to local authorities. In short, IGN is 100% financed by public money. So not only its cost, are totally unproductive, but the fact that their data owners means that recovery outside the public is almost impossible. It follows a lack of economic activities and therefore jobs. This is true for IGN, is also for public bodies dealing with statistics, heritage, urban, tourism, etc.. And how many patents from the public research and private waiting to improbable industrial projects, could be recovered? In contrast to this, the report Jouyet-Levy (7) ordered by Thierry Breton, proposed that the State make a trade gunman its intangibles. Vain, against capitalism information, it is futile to protect themselves behind Maginot lines. The public service will definitely lose its soul. It costs more to sell than to give. So give our property. A condition to avoid further prevarication. A network acentric, nourished by free software, could contribute. Change perspective. The incredible concentration of capital that takes place before our eyes, siphoning the world economy and perverts the minds of the Internet. It must return to basics. What political project can make to the network of networks? Where do we want it moving? In my view, nothing less than a major invention, similar to the "spatial perspective", which marked the transition from hierarchical Middle Ages that, geometrization of the Renaissance. We must leave the era of "time horizon" born with the telegraph, whose last points of leakage issuers television and websites such as we know it. It is time to enter the "Digital Perspective (8)," whose "code leak" universally shared, allow people to form and share as they wish. If the Republic still has a meaning, it must do everything so that what is now the invisible heart of human exchanges, is not an end but a means. Thus, the network could help address the major global issues and to invent new ways of living together. (1) http://overcrowded.anoptique.org/ (2) http://maay.netofpeers.net (3) http://vreng.enst.fr/ (4) http://p2pfoundation.net/ (5) http://ipv6pourtous.free.fr (6) http://paigrain.debatpublic.net/?page_id=57 (7) http://rubyurl.com/EjB (Report Jouyet-Levy) (8) http://perspective-numerique.net. See also: * Florent Latrive: "30 ideas to revive the left" in "Liberation", 7 November 2006 * Declaration of Free Software * New systems peer-to-peer free
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